
Me integra

From 0 to publish "Me Integra" app, A uber like service to get medical aid and nursering care at home.

Sector: Health care

Provided expertise: User research | Service design | CX strategy | UX design

Project Time: 6 months

Approach:To approach this initiative I was in contact with the stakeholders of Me Integra, a company from Tabasco that offers medical services to private and private individuals, who presented me their objectives. For this I applied a design thinking process in order to take into account the ideas of the stakeholders, the users and the technological capacity of the company.

After 4 months of user research, feature validation, screen design, user testing, the app was sent to a software development company to be manufactured, a daily communication with the developer was maintained through SCRUM meetings, after 7 months the first version was launched on Android and iOS, a pilot program was made with 50 participants and usability details were polished. It is currently running in Tabasco.

Pagina de la compañía:


They were reduced to 3 mains points:

  • Medical care at home

  • Video Call with a doctor

  • Nursering services at home

Next iteration Features

  • Pharmacy at home

  • Dialisis machine leasing at home

Scope, Goals and user research

A Kickstart reunion to meet stakeholders, goals, and define users, after that a 5 day sessions of Design Thinking to define first MVP and user researching was made. first Lean UX canvas was born.

User research

what stakeholders believe vs real life user needs. user surveing and interveiwng gave great insights and help to reduce 14 features to 3 main features were MeIntegra design was focused.

Service Design and product work flow

With the collected info, work flows and service design was done, flows were reviewed with devs so we can make sure the requested features are technologically possible and consider dev times.

Cloud services were reviewed and checked mensual fees for proceesing services. MySQl was chosen to be the main DB platform.


Design and A/B testing with real users of Wireframes


Several Prototipes were done for the two apps, one for doctors and nurses and the other one for users.

MVP and launching

After some final SB testing and poliushing details, the MVP was launched on Android and iOS

Conclusions and learned lessons

This was an interesting porject , because was my second project and EVERYTHING I learned was applied here, learnt how to discuss with devs, sell ideas to Stakeholders and how to publish apps.

At the moment of the launc ME integra has 24 doctors and 80 users in Villahermosa Tabasco, last year were reported 200 users and 45 doctors and nurses.

Next iteration will be a Face washing and use bootstrap for all the UI.