

Design, country research and launch of Symplifica Hogares Mex App.

Sector: HHRR, Home care

Provided expertise: User Research | Design Thinking | Service design | UX design | Project Management | UI design Design Thinking | Service design | UX design | Project Management | UI design

Project Time: 8 months

Approach: Symplifica Colombia wanted to expand their services to Mexico, after having a nice growth in Colombia over the past years, this project was to adapt and create new features for the mexican market. Among the activities there was a demographic study to focus service design & mkt actions, user persona creation, user survey and intervewing. SCRUM was used in the whole process along with the devs team, stakeholders and UX team from Colombia. At mid term CEO's implemented "Shape up" Methodology to work more efficiently. After several months of work, 1st version was released in WEB, iOS and Android platforms, BBVA offered their Innovation Room to make the presentation. Thanks to this project Symplifica was Awarded as one of "Las 100 PRO 2022", that is given to the entrepeneurism in Mexico & Latin America, also BBVA invitied Symplifica to join their SPARK program for selected Startups.


User & Market Research

An initial research to se the market and user state was done, a set on interviewing, data collecting and surveying was done. with collected info, 5 buyer persona were defined, as well as user stories.

Dependences map

Definition of all instances involved and how they interact.

First Discovery step was done and all players and involved processes definded.

Interviews and surveying

Internal Team tasks organization

MVP Stages Proposal

External services Benchmark and selection

Internal Services workflows design, CRM, interactions

Service Design

CRM interaction design



User profile high fidelity mockups for desktop and mobile. This section shows Main Dashboard

  • Their personal info and status. info can be changed easily

  • News related to their employees and coming events

  • A welcome video, also a Wiki for help.

Mkt actions

a FAQ was created,social networksansd their blog were used to explain the new laboral rules to users.

Calculations and Template design


The app was launches at BBVA Tower, eas released on Android, iOS and Web. With the support of devs the final touches for each sotre were met.